Printers’ terms and abbreviations

Sculp. Excud. Imp. Del. If you’re not familiar with terms you often come across on antique engravings, etchings, illustrations, lithographs, etc, trying to fathom them can be very confusing. It is like a second language to us, but we still keep a laminated copy of the table below in our sourcing bag.

Not being the types to not to spread the knowledge, we thought it might be useful to publish a glossary of terms.





Artist's proof

B.A.T., Bon á tirer:

Proof print approved by artist and ready to be handled over to the master printer

Cael., caelavit:

Engraved by

Cum privilegio:

Privilege to publish from some authority

Del., delt., delin., delineavit:

Drawn by

Disig., designavit:

Designed by

Divulg., divulgavit:

Published by

Eng., engd.:

Engraved by

Exc., excud., excudit:

Printed by or published by

F., fac., fec., fect., fecit, faciebat:

Made by

H.C., Hors Commerce:

Not for commercial sale

Imp., Impressit:

Printed by

Inc,. incidit, incidebat:

Incised or engraved by

Inv., invenit, inventor:

Designed by or originally drawn by

Lith., litho., lithog.:

Lithographed by

Pins., pinxit:

Painted by

Scrip., scripsit:

Text engraved by

Sc., sculp., sculpt., sculpsit:

Image engraved by


Conservation quality picture frames


What makes this set of engravings significant?